Posts in Lifestyle
Ep 119 - Unlearning Your Learnings: Redefining How You Pivot!

In recent times there has been a huge shift in relationships of all kinds. As more people in our generation are seeking therapy awareness has increased causing the dynamic of personal, business, and romantic relationships to be looked at with a different lens.

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Ep 98 - Women Grow: Cultivating Cannabis Leaders With The Dank Duchess

Although we are half a decade into cannabis legalization in some states the landscape for women has been rapidly changing. Non-Corporate Girls welcomes The Dank Duchess (@thedankduchess) an international Hashish Consultant, Cannabis Cultivator, and Public Speaker using all available media to achieve her mission to help spread cannabis and psychedelic wellness awareness globally.

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Ep 96 - Reaffirming What "You Deserve" With Simone Arrington

We all know what we deserve but do we truly believe it, live it and breathe it? Doubt of any kind does a disservice to the things you are manifesting. Non-Corporate Girls welcomes Simone Arrington (@via.simone) to where the 9-5 and 5-9 meet.

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Ep 91 - Impacting Culture With Kerry Abner

Ayanna (@the_aya_brand) and Delaila (@missdelailac) hold space during No Shave November for a culture mover. Intentional to get a males perspective the two had a conversation with Kerry Abner (@kerryklassic) who gives us his take on building intentional brands and what it does for longevity.

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