Ep 95 - The Path to Financial Freedom


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If there is one thing that should have been learned in 2020, it was to create multiple streams of income. Ok, actually 2 things- the second is to learn to have your money work for you. What are the Non-Corporate Girls talking about you ask? In this episode, The Path to Financial Freedom, Ayanna (@the_aya_brand) and Delaila (@missdelailac) discuss the importance of becoming financially literate and how to prepare for your future through an emergency fund, investments, and more. The two admit they are no pros but have learned a thing or two from their own experiences and can surely help steer others away from making the same mistakes. There are too many resources available to stay in the dark on this important topic. Grab a notepad and pen and get started on your journey to financial stability.

This week's #ObsessedWith is Cindy Zuniga-Sanchez  (@zerobasedbudget), who managed to pay off 215K in debt in 48 months. Press play and kick back with your favorite founders.