Ep 38 - So Much To Be Thankful For


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Ayanna (@the_aya_brand) and Delaila (@missdelailac) hosted their very first LIVE episode via Instagram. It's their official kick-off to the holiday season. Welcoming it with some bubbly of course (Prosecco is the official drink of the Non-Coprorate Girls) the two chatted about what they are most grateful for and acknoledged all the goodness this year has brought them (focused on the Positives ova here). Of course there were plenty of laughs, some stuff that was weighing heavy on their hearts, as well as a reminder on the true meaning of the holiday spirit. There were some honorable mentions of amazing show highlights and overall appreciation for all guests who have blessed the show with their presence and gave listeners something worth remembering. There is so much in store for Non-Corporate Girls, so are you Corporate or Nah? This is only the beginning. Tune in and Cheers to many more! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!