Ep 34 - Penning A Masterpiece With Natelege Whaley


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This episode is for the writers and communicators. Ayanna (@the_aya_brand) and Delaila (@missdelailac) have a genuine conversation with Natelege Whaley (@natelege), digital journalist and creative and founder of @HeartsConverse. Natelege has written for publications such as Vibe, XXL, Mic, VH1 and more. As a Howard graduate she is grateful for the education she received that has prepared her for the challenges that arise as a writer whether freelancing or working in-house for a publication. Natelege shares insight on how to successfully pitch to editors, exercises that help her overcome writer's block and her realization of when it is time to move on to the next thing. Hearts Converse started from a get together of like-minded individuals to a curated group of creatives that have cultivated a safe space to discuss the pitfalls and hardships that are commonly faced as creatives and how to grow past them. Natelege has so much more she wants to accomplish in addition to penning a series of books. Listen to the end as she also shares why #IssaRae is her #ObsessedWith and some fun rapid fire questions where the girls get to know her a little better.